Sk8r Sleaz is happy to help.
Written by djchevy on February 3, 2022

(North Side Pittsburgh, PA.) Boom, clap. Boom clap. “This sounds like a Lil Wayne beat,” is how Sk8r Sleaz started forging and selling his beats. “As a producer, it’s important to stay in the loop.” The majority of today’s new independent artists want to emulate the “hot” artists of that moment that they admire.
As a rapper himself, Sleaz aka “Stone Cold Sleaz Austin” can hear one of his hot 16’s on most of his beats, but he only tucks away the ones that really speak to his soul. “If I have a sample on my brain for a couple days, I have to execute.” Sk8r Sleaz also writes to other producer’s beats in order to defeat writer’s block.
Sleaz can make you a beat or completely produce you some heat, either way he’s happy to help any young woman or man make music to avoid the negativity of the streets.
Follow Sk8r Sleaz: IG @sleazball Twitter @sk8rsleaz
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